- crafty seemstress
- dedicated wife and homemaker
- skilled gardener
- handy chef
- virtuous woman
- devout Christian
- encourager/inspirer
While married, she had 7 children, including five daughters. It just occurred to me after 30+ years of life, that her living descendants include 5 granddaughters. Go figure? :) I started thinking about the legacy she has left for us to run with. It's amazing how things have come together. We're all now between 25 and 35 and doing our own thing.
April - bachelor's {check!}, master's {check!}, she's going to show us all how to get a PhD and still be glamourous at the same time. :)
Crys - teaching, encouraging our 21st century youth in this corrupt world
Colette - preaching the gospel, sharing The Good Word with everyone who might hear of His grace and mercies
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"" Isaiah 57:2
T. Sherri- full time wife, mom, and worker outside of the home...what a balancing act!
and lastly myself - by day, engineer...by night, entrepreneur who likes to sew and sow seeds of encouragement in every experience with each client we touch.
Call me extra, call me extra deep, but I'd like to think that Mrs. Sallie Cox left us a bit of a legacy...I mean what virtuous woman such as herself wouldn't?! I'd also like the think of the word legacy being best captured through the following definition:
Funny, things we never knew about our name...and being of African-American heritage, I'm certain that our last name was 'given'...but only given by a man who's life embodied its own meaning:
Cox Family Crest: "The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon name Cox come from its first bearer, who was a person who bore a fancied resemblance to a rooster. It was applied both to early risers and those who strutted proudly."
..and anyone who knew my grandmother...AND her daughters, knows that they have always been early risers, proud of themselves, and who they could become! Really...interesting how that happens!
Ultimately, I believe we all have a legacy...but most importantly, today, I've been so thankful for the legacy she has left for us! So if I believe that a legacy is truly the Lord's way of Equipping us wiht Grace to Accomplish the Call Yet fullfilled in our lives, the next question is
Has His grace been wasted?
What calling's have I fulfilled?
I pose that to our blog readers as well, what legacy are you living and leaving for those who will come after you?
April, Colette, Crys, and T. Sherri, thanks for all of the great memories! Thanks for being who you are everyday, because in someway, I believe that Grandma Sallie lives in each of us and is nudging us along to do whatever it is He would have us to do.
Let's run with it! :)
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